Braille Drawings for Sighted Users

Do you enjoy painting or colouring? Or would you like to get to grips with braille in a playful way? Then read on. We have devised a way for sighted people to bring the braille drawings to life. Similar to painting by numbers, the braille dots are coloured in according to the instructions.

Drawing by Braille Dots

The following image illustrates the principle. On the left you can see the finished braille drawing ladybird, on the right the instructions. To get started, you need three things: a braille grid, a braille alphabet (or knowledge of braille) and instructions.

Braille drawing ladybird with instruction

Braille Grid for Colouring

Our braille grid serves as a template. It corresponds almost exactly to the grid of a braille typewriter. The dots on the braille grid are a light shade of grey so that they are easy to colour in. You can find the grid as a PDF file in the downloads section. If you don't have a printer on hand, you can also try out our interactive braille grid. You may also like to write your name in braille or design your own braille drawing?

Detail of the braille grid with a pencil

It’s Really Easy with the Braille Alphabet

Knowledge of braille is not required. You can use our braille alphabet to help you translate the instructions into braille. Start with row 1. If you don't know a letter or sign, simply look it up in the alphabet. Once you have completed one row, the next row follows and so on. Over time, you will automatically learn the letters and characters and become faster and faster at colouring them in. You can find the alphabet as a PDF file and print it out under downloads.

Braille alphabet of the English Language after Louis Braille

Instructions for Braille Drawings

You can find all the instructions on the page instructions for braille drawings. You can also see the finished braille drawings there. Painting a braille drawing can be even more fun if you don't know what the finished drawing will look like. So if you want to be surprised, download our compilation of all the instructions as a PDF file. You can find it on the downloads page. The PDF has two parts. Part 1 contains only the instructions. Part 2 contains the drawing descriptions as well as the drawings. So you only need to check out Part 2 after completing a motif. Have fun colouring in the dots and learning braille!